Well, I suppose it’s time I announced the big news.
Over the holidays I was approached by a video game studio out in Seattle about working for them as a developer. I’ve accepted, and will be moving across the country to Washington inside of a month.
This is about the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make in my life… infinitely harder than the decision to come and work in New York was. I’ve spent the past eight months trying to put down roots here, and now I’m going to have to uproot everything all over again. I am going to be leaving behind my excellent coworkers, abandoning a number of theatrical and improv projects I’m involved in, and leaving some of the most wonderful friends I’ve made and a girl that I care very deeply for. Not at all easy.
But this is something I believe I’ve wanted to do my entire life, and my parents pointed out to me that I’m going to have to start over whenever I change careers, and the longer I wait and the more roots I put down the harder it’ll become to start over again.
Bah. It’s still small comfort.