Phew, no time to update this journal lately, it seems. Here’s a few notes on what’s been going on, though:
– I’ve told just about everyone in NYC that I’m close to or otherwise needs to be informed of my leaving. Not at all an easy thing to do.
– I’ll be ending work here on the first Friday in February and, with any luck, starting in Seattle on the following Monday. I’m probably going to fly down to Vancouver, rent a car, apply for the work permit at the border and just keep driving the rest of the way to Seattle. Here’s hoping I don’t get denied. Well, I shouldn’t anyway… I knew that engineering degree would be good for something.
– In the meantime, I’m doing something I never thought I would do, which is rent an apartment I’ve never inspected personally. But there’s a really nice complex within walking distance of my work, and my new boss has been extremely helpful in doing much of the legwork, getting me photos and such. The space is a bit smaller and it’s carpeted (I prefer hardwood), but it’s got a number of luxuries I don’t have here such as laundry right in the unit, a dishwasher, balcony and fireplace. It’s actually going to be more like living at a resort than an apartment building… they’ve got a pool, hot tub, sauna, exercise room and two “club houses” (whatever those are) that I’ll have access to. All this for about a third less than the rent I’m paying now… not too bad.
– Moving’s going to be a trick. I’ve got barely enough relocation allowance to afford a you-load-they-drive service, so I’m going to recruit a friend or two to help out with that. I personally think it would be less expensive to sell all my crap and just buy new stuff in Seattle (expensing the difference to my relocation budget), but that idea didn’t sit with the HR manager.
I’m anxious about all of this, but I’m also starting to feel excited as well. Seattle should be a very cool place to be, and I will have a very cool job. I will miss a lot of people, though, no doubt about it.