Sour note

I’m having a barbecue this weekend for some folks from the past couple of shows I’ve been in. Should be fun. I haven’t officially entertained anyone at my place in months… not counting a couple of lunch visitations and the like. Weighing the number of people I’ve invited against the size of my apartment makes me a bit anxious, but I think it’ll work out okay.

My last show at The Beauty Pageant went pretty badly. The director had been egging us on to make bolder character choices, so I did… well, the short of it is that it didn’t go as well as I’d hoped and the audience gave it a lukewarm reception. I’ve never been strong at doing put-on characters – at least, not in comedy-objective improv – I’m just not as funny when I do them. In fact, I think that being one of the cornerstones of this show (what with being in drag and all) coupled with it being a weakness in my repertoire is something that I’ve been wrestling with since day one. Knowing that, it was probably a mistake for me to take such a big risk in a format such as this. I’m not scheduled to perform this week, so that’s it for me… kind of a sour note to end on for a show that I never really quite fit into, but oh well.


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