
My life is… complicated. Too complicated to try and explain in a blog that’s read by God-only-knows-who. You’ll have to trust me on this one.

In the more mundane world of updates:

I should be starting allergy shots for the second time in my life in the next week or so. The technology seems to have improved significantly since I last tried it about a decade ago… it’s now just once a week for five months (with a monthly maintenance dose thereafter) instead of for two years, and the cat-allergen (which has always been my number one menace) has been improved in effectiveness from “we’ll give this a try and maybe you’ll luck out” to an actual statistic: 80%. But most importantly, I’m at a more stable time in my life where I think I’ll be able to make the weekly commitment. Last time I tried this I was still in high school and my attendance was sketchy. My insurance apparently covers the whole kit and kaboodle, so hey, it’s worth a shot. *pun*

A very good friend is packing her bags for Israel for seven months. I’ve only seen her twice since Midsummer’s ended in July, and already I’m missing her more than I probably should. It’s not forever, I suppose, but it feels kind of like it.

It’s getting cooler out, although it’s hard to tell if this is normal autumn weather or just a cold snap. I’ve started wearing my jacket again, and I heart my fireplace.

I’m thinking of investing in a Roomba. My current vacuum is pretty ancient and needs replacing anyway, and I keep hearing about how great these things are, so long as you invest in the real thing and not one of the cheap knockoffs. It’s not like my apartment is all that bad, but it would probably be a lot cleaner if I could just turn the machine on and let it do its thing once a week or so, rather than relying on my own discipline and effort to get the job done far less frequently. One way or another I need to replace the one I have, since its busted handle keeps me from using it very often.

Bank of America finally upgraded my credit card to non-secured status. Which means – in addition to an all-growed-up credit limit – I finally get my $100 deposit back. Which I’m sure I will quickly lose to my new status as a “fashion project” for one of my friends who has decided I need to know how to dress better. (My parents will thank her, I’m sure.)

That’s about it. Shana Tovah to those of you that means something to.


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