Thursday was Arts and Crafts Day. That is to say, it was my one-shot attempt at recreating my ever-brilliant Dark Helmet costume from Halloween a few years back. Except I tried to improve on the helmet by using plaster bandages instead of papier maché and building what I was hoping would turn out to be a more accurate mould.
The bandages worked well but resulted in something that was heavier than I preferred, and once I removed it from the mould I saw that it was, in fact, nothing like what I wanted it to look like, so I wound up tossing it. I’ll just wear my Santa suit or something instead.
Then yesterday I discovered that my friend – who was supposed to be hosting a surprise birthday party for another friend of ours tonight – had come down with a case of strep throat and wouldn’t be able to host it at her place anymore. And so the buck passed to me… which left me sprawling all day today to clean my apartment and eliminate as much as I could of the powdery wreckage that Arts and Crafts Day had left in its wake. Overall I think I did a pretty heroic job, but I’m pretty tired from the effort.
I’ve also discovered I know very little about how to plan events that aren’t potluck, or at the very least BYOB. There was a little panic when I realized that we were probably going to need a cake of some sort, and if I’d nearly forgotten that then who knew what else I might be forgetting. It has been a learning experience… of course, the guests still have yet to arrive, so we’ll see how it actually goes.
Had an interesting meeting with the studio director at work on Friday relating to the next round of projects. Can’t blog too many details, but short of an actual performance review (which I’m not due to have for another four months or so) it went pretty well, and I left feeling pretty optimistic about my future there. So that’s cool.
And I’ve also been emergency-drafted into the cast of a play that goes on a week from Thursday. I will hopefully be getting the script tonight, but as of now I don’t even know the title, the venue, the showdates (other than a week from Thursday) or any other useful information like that. So much for that break I was planning on, I suppose. At least it’ll be over quickly, and it’ll give me an excuse to spend time with people I like, even if it’s a frustratingly panicked sort of time.
The excitement never stops, it seems. Or it stops for a short while, just long enough to lull you into a sense of comfort, then starts back up again with a vengeance. Whee!