Rawwwwr, eh

I’m composing this entry from my new office at work.

What’s that, you say? Dan in an office instead of a cubicle?! Someone check the thermometer in hell…

Well, it’s not as earth-shattering as it sounds. First of all, it’s a shared office with my new team’s head programmer, so it’s not all that special. Second of all, while my studio tries to dole out the offices mainly to producers, development/art leads, etc. a large number of them are portioned out solely on the basis of the physical geography that keeps teams in close quarters… we can’t fit cubicles everywhere, and as a result there are entire teams and people far newer than me with offices, while the lead programmer in charge of the dev team I’m coming from is stuck in a cubicle like everyone else. So me being in an office now is not actually a comment on my value to the company or anything, sadly, and what’s more I’m just as likely to return to a cubicle for the next project I’m on. Third of all, while I am now blessed with far more room and – thanks to big bay windows – the Natural Light I have been craving, I’m now much more removed from, well, everyone, which sucks socially. Not sure how I’ll get through the days without my usual witty and caustic banter with the artists across the way from me.

As for the new project I’m working on, I haven’t been green-lighted yet to say what it is, although I expect that will come soon enough. Shoot me an e-mail or something if you’re dying to know. It is a very cool title, though, and I’m excited to be working on it.

In other news: I started taking singing lessons again, as of yesterday. My new teacher came recommended from one of my coworkers, and she seems pretty cool and teaches a style very similar to the last teacher I had (about a year and a half ago), so I am optimistic that I may yet make it into a musical before I die.

The play I’m in next Thursday… yeah, well, it should be interesting. I was hoping to be off-book for it by tomorrow, but I don’t think I will be. It’s mercifully short, though, so I’ll manage. I’d post a link to information about the show but it doesn’t look like they’ve updated their website yet, and I haven’t seen any other announcements posted anywhere, so even I’m not entirely sure what the showtimes or ticket prices are… looks like we have another winner here, folks.

Ooh, my first game comes out in 10 days! I am excited! And I am the voice of Bigfoot! Rawwwwr, eh!


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