Not some bad mileage

I am now officially planning a vacation back to Toronto over American Thanksgiving (the weekend of November 24), so if you wanna get together while I’m there, let me know… I’ll be around from Thursday through all of Monday.

I am trying not to dread doing this show. One of the three performers in it has been out sick these past few days, so our dress rehearsal (which was last night) needed to be done with someone reading in for her. I am still not entirely off-book… I have a “cheat sheet” which goes in the file folder my character is constantly looking into. I’ve never had a crutch like that before, and I feel pretty badly about needing it (even though I’ve only had the script about a week, and we’ve only rehearsed three times), but my character needs to say a lot of stuff very quickly, and even the lines I have memorized just don’t come fast enough yet.

My “costume” is the three-piece suit I own… that suit must be about eight years old by now, seeing as I had it at prom back in high school, and it’s been my costume in at least four plays I can think of off the top of my head. Not some bad mileage there, all things considered.

The new head programmer I’m working with and I have been getting constant jibes from people that we are both too spartan, and that this office we share with all of its barren walls and empty shelves is wasted on us. So today he brought in a bunch of other people’s trophies he bought at Value Village over the weekend to put on all of his shelves. I think he and I going to get along just fine.

Not much other news to report. Life goes on.


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