Things fall apart

… And I’m not talking about Chinua Achebe’s 1959 novel that brought to light the poverty and exploitation of indigenous Africans under European colonialism.

I’m talking about my DVD player.

At first it just didn’t want to let me insert the DVDs. Then it finally got sick of me trying and decided to clam up entirely. I could press the button and hear the mechanism whirring and whining, but the tray was never to open again of its own volition.

So being the manly man I am I figured hey, I have an engineering degree, I bet I can just take this thing apart and fix whatever’s broke myself. Well, I’ll spare whoever reads this thing the grisly details, but suffice it to say that I knew perfectly well just how close to the sun I was flying when I made the attempt. If it was repairable before, it probably isn’t now. The worst part is that it was one of those DVD/VCR combo thingies, so I effectively need to replace both.

So that sucks… on the brighter side, though, I’ve renewed my apartment lease for another year, with the same rate I had for the nine-month lease (which means I’m effectively paying $25/month less than if I’d had a twelve-month lease before), plus a $200 renewal bonus. And they even conceded the whole flag issue, amazingly.

The show opened last night. It’s an anthology of short plays/sketches… it’s probably not the worst show I’ve ever been involved in, but it’s a contender. The worst part for me is having to drive into downtown Seattle during rush hour, then having to drive back to Kirkland in the evening (at which point the traffic has died down, but I’m exhausted). The green room (where I’m stuck 90% of the time) is tiny and overflowing with people I don’t know, and with whom I am having difficulty pretending to share their enthusiasm for this show. At least it’s only one more week. The details are at if you wanna come see it, but consider yourself warned.

On that note, I’m off to battle traffic.


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