I remember as the plane descended onto the snow-covered runway of the Toronto airport, I thanked God that I would be eventually returning to good old mild-weathered Seattle.
So it should come as no surprise that today – the second day I’ve been back – we were greeted with an absolutely massive blizzard. The snow hasn’t been sticking to the ground very much and according to my coworkers this sort of thing happens from time to time, and we can expect it to go away within a day or two tops. Still, it was a bit unsettling. I’m leaving my car at home for fear that I won’t have enough traction to drive it up the cliffside of a slope that leads to my apartment.
I’ve posted several photos of my vacation; thanks to Jim for suggesting the Gallery program, which seems to have worked out swimmingly.
My singing teacher got all excited today about some kind of breakthrough I apparently made. I couldn’t hear it, but I hope she knows what she’s talking about.
About a month ago I posted about my experience with Citibank cancelling my Canadian credit card because of a $42 balance I wasn’t aware of. Well, today I received another bill from them: apparently between my phone conversation and my paying off the balance the following day, they managed to find enough time to charge me an additional fourteen cents of interest.
So my current plan is to send the completed bill back (using a 60-cent postage stamp to mail it to Toronto) with a nickel and dime in the envelope, and a post-it note that says “keep the change, jackasses”. Except my smallest Canadian currency at the moment is quarters… I’m gonna have to see if anyone at work has any Canadian change lying around.