One of the recent reviews of my game describes one of the gameplay interfaces that I dreamt up, designed and implemented as “almost dazzling to behold”. I’m very well nearly blushing, although it didn’t stop them from giving the game a 55% – the lowest score we’ve received so far, tied with the one we’re apparently getting from Nintendo Power (a blatantly partisan magazine; in the same issue our game is to be reviewed, so is one in a similar genre that’s produced directly by Nintendo, and it receives a 95%).
Last night I got to see the first Narnia movie at our company’s preview screening of it. It was better than I was expecting, although British children can be remarkably annoying. Friends who accompanied me to the movie went back to my place afterwards, and we watched Clone High (which I was finally able to procure the DVDs of when I was in Canada), and did shots from a deadly jalapeno vodka that my parents gave me from my grand-uncle (I think), who recently came from Russia to visit my grandmother. I didn’t personally want to go near the stuff, what with my bland palate, crossed with the question of just to what extreme Russians would have already taken vodka before deciding it needed even more kick from jalapenos. It wasn’t nearly as brutal as I’d expected, although it’s left me in a bit of a sorry state this morning.
In other news… I turn twenty-six in just ten days. Eep.
Edited to add: I just found out that the producer of the last game I was on – who is also named Dan – shares the same birthday as me. This is remarkably annoying. It was bad enough during the last project, when people would always be calling out “Dan” and meaning him instead of me (he was the producer after all, so people constantly needed to get a hold of him)… if come the 19th people are actually calling out “happy birthday Dan” and not directing it to me… mark my words, heads will roll.
Psst… by the way, you can express your undying love of me on the 19th any way you desire, but if you can’t find the right words then presents are always an effective alternative!