So today was my twenty-sixth birthday. Not much to write (or blog) home about, but I suppose I’d be remiss not to post anything.
My office-roommate arranged a celebration in the form of us wearing party hats and animal noses all day, and a single streamer cutting a swath across the room like police tape. And a bunch of us went to a Japanese buffet for lunch where you eat free on your birthday. So the festivities – albeit minor ones – were had. My thanks to those of you who’ve sent along birthday wishes, e-mail or otherwise.
I’ve been at work the past couple of weekends, trying to finish off a tool for the studio that I’ve been working on since the summer. It started as a side-project during downtime after Sims 2 shipped… then word got around what I was doing and now I have artists screaming at me for its completion. I can’t work on it during normal hours, though, without nicking cycles from my main project. I’m tired almost beyond measure as a result, and crunch time isn’t for another five months or so.
I’ve received a couple of offers to go out but I think I might just go home, relax in front of a fire and go to bed early. Such is birthday excitement in Dan-town.