How appropriate

So today is the last day of 2005. All in all a decent year, I suppose. Big year of change.

This past week has been okay. I’ve been staggering days off of work with taking some time to catch up on a side-project I’ve been doing since the summer. I did my first audition for a musical this week and bombed it spectacularly (there were no survivors), and went to the birthday party for a friend who’s moving away in a month. Tonight I have both another birthday party and NYE celebration to try and attend. So, lots of stuff going on.

There’s been a lot of rain but it’s been balmy… about 10 degrees all week (50 Fahrenheit) and that’s been nice.

For the first year ever, I’ve come within inches of keeping my new year’s resolution. It’s one I actually made way back in May of last year: that I was going to get a poker table cover. Well, I coincidentally bought one online more than two weeks ago… it wasn’t until today that I remembered and realized “hey, I actually imposed a deadline on myself to do this very thing and that deadline happens to be today”. If they hadn’t shipped it by FedEx I’m sure I would’ve made the cut. Check out the tracking status:

That’s right, it was on the truck ready for delivery two weeks ago. Then, I dunno, it sat there forgotten for a week or something. Then they almost tried to deliver it two days ago, but clearly they didn’t almost-try hard enough. I tried calling FedEx and got the usual hooplah from them… the woman actually had the gall to tell me that she didn’t know anything and couldn’t find out anything beyond what was already on my screen because she wasn’t even in the same country as me. I don’t know if I preferred things when CSRs would lie through their teeth rather than admit they were in India (I once had a CSR from Best Buy on the phone with someone from the corporate office at the same time, and she wouldn’t even admit her location to him, even though he was saying “you can’t be in Minneapolis… that’s where we are”), as opposed to them now having the chutzpah to use it as an excuse for their uselessness.

I don’t know what I’m supposed to wear to this NYE party. The invitation calls for some kind of unspecified, mock fancy-dress. Nothing in my apartment qualifies… I wish I’d brought my $5 tuxedo (the one from the fifties with the stripes and polka-dots and red suspenders) back with me when I visited Toronto. Oh well… I guess it’ll be an awkward ringing in of the New Year.

How appropriate.


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