Well, the Seattle Improv Festival was pretty rocking. I got to see some friends I haven’t seen in quite some time, and play with some very high-calibre people. The workshops were great, the shows were brilliant. I am feeling the itch… I need to find myself another troupe. *sigh*
Monday was a holiday and on account of my coming into work on the weekend in the midst of workshops/shows I decided that I was going to stay at home and veg, no matter what. Which I’m proud to say I managed to do quite well (notwithstanding a trip to Value Village for their 50%-off-everything President’s Day sale). Yay me.
Tuesday, however, we had the milestone at work, so I wound up staying till after 10 PM. It wasn’t actually frenzied or anything like that, mostly just a lot of hurry-up-and-wait while we assembled the different pieces and smoke-tested them. I could’ve slept in today but I woke up early and couldn’t get back to bed, so here I am.
Rehearsals for Fiddler start next Monday. I don’t know what kind of schedule they expect to maintain, but we apparently go on in about a month, which is an awfully short rehearsal period for a full-length musical (at least by community theatre standards). I’m kind of dispassionate about the whole thing… I would be worried about the quality of the show, except that I’m not in a huge role (at least I don’t think I am), I’m unlikely to be the weak link regardless, and I’m just doing it for the experience anyway. Quality be damned.