Warbly and flat

I seem to have come down with something like strep throat. I’m guessing I picked it up sometime during the improv festival on the weekend, and it just didn’t hit me until yesterday. I couldn’t sleep much this past night due to the pain from swallowing. I’m staying home today and I’m going to see if I can get a last-minute appointment with my doctor. I’m hoping there’s something he can do to help me improve my condition by Monday, or it’s going to be a pretty nasty first rehearsal. If it’s just a read-through we might not be asked to sing, which would be nice… I had my singing lesson yesterday and was warbly and flat the whole time.

So now I have the day off from work. I’m dead tired but I can’t sleep from the pain, and I don’t think I can muster the energy to do anything constructive. The day doesn’t even really begin for like another three hours. Got the feeling it’s going to be a long one.


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