As I stated earlier, I was only in three shots that made it into the final cut, and my eyes were shut in each of them. Only one of them was good enough for me to bother posting it… so I’m not in most of those photos. Or I’m in a cow costume.
Lysistrata opens this week. I’m in pretty good shape for it. I forgot that I’d mentioned having trouble finding my character’s voice. Fortunately, it came to me soon after that posting, and I’m now quite comfortable in my character overall. It’s a funny, lighthearted show and people should come see it; details can be found at Theatre Off Jackson’s website. Just be warned: it’s extremely bawdy, and in NO way is it for kids or people who are made uncomfortable by the kind of language and imagery that would make Mamet blush. There’s also some burlesque in it (as the image on the website might have already clued you into), so if that’s your thing you’ll definitely enjoy it.
I didn’t have plans for any specific theatre projects immediately following this show, but I’ve rather suddenly and unexpectedly been cast into a production of Steve Martin’s The Underpants, being produced by the same company that didn’t cast me in A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. I don’t really know much about the show, but one of Martin’s other plays, Picasso at the Lapin Agile, is just about my favourite play of all time, so I figure it’s a pretty solid bet. And it gets my foot in the door with a company that is almost literally next door to where I live (their theatre is in the Redmond Town Center mall) and does shows I’m interested in. So, hurrah for that.
(It meant turning down the potential opportunity to play Orsino in Twelfth Night, which is a role I’d never thought of myself for, but I’d really like to play. But I’ve done three Shakespeare-in-the-park shows these past two years, so I think it’s the right decision for my sanity as much as anything to switch gears.)
My next project at work has been made just-about-official, so things are going to start ramping up on that the next couple of weeks. I still can’t announce my role in the last one just yet. It comes out May 22nd, though, so it won’t be long now.