After more than two weeks since I placed the order for it, I finally have Internet at home! Glory be, I can feel my home productivity rising already. There were about 1,500 messages in my e-mail account waiting to be downloaded since I moved in mid-January, two thirds of which was discarded as pure unadulterated spam. (About another two thirds of the remainder was spam that made it past the filter and other mailing lists I am subscribed to.) It’s a good thing I can check my e-mail from work.
Lysistrata opens tonight. It’s looking pretty solid overall. I am surprisingly relaxed… it’s been a long time since I’ve been involved in a show that wasn’t more panicked this close to curtain. Still, we’ve been at the theatre every evening till 10 PM, and it’s a long commute to the International District from my work/home (especially during rush-hour), so I’m pretty tired if nothing else.
I want to get a couch. In fact, I’ve all but made the decision to get one. Problem is that they’re really expensive. But it’ll enable me to move one of the futons out of the living room and into the den, which will solve one of my biggest problems of what the heck I’m supposed to do with that space. Once there’s a big, solid piece of furniture in there I can shape the rest of the space around it, and maybe finally get everything unpacked at last.
Dania has a sofa with a built-in ottoman on the cheap for $660 that I’m currently leaning towards. Any other sofa/ottoman combo I’ve seen starts at nearly $1,000 (and skyrockets from there). This one’s a little smaller than most of those, but I actually kind of like that for the way I have my living room set up. Anyway, I recently came across an intersection with three furniture stores when driving an alternate route to the theatre yesterday, so I think I’ll check it out and make my decision then.
Wheel never stops turning! (Points to whoever knows the correct response to that; I’m expecting it’ll be Kat.)