I bought the couch! They’ll be delivering it tomorrow sometime. I’m really eager for this to hopefully remove the final big obstruction that’s keeping me from finishing the whole unpacking and cleaning process.
My dad is stopping by briefly at the start of next month, via a business trip to Vancouver… which means I have a deadline for getting my place up to snuff to house guests. But I’m still hoping to get a housewarming in sometime before then, if I can only get my act together.
Lysistrata has been going well enough. We had two shows last weekend, another show yesterday and another one tonight (which I’ll be leaving for presently). We got a pretty solid review in Seattle Weekly on our second performance, which I thought had gone comparatively poorly… at the very least, I know my timing and rhythm had been very wonky that show. Last night’s performance went really well; I hope the good/bad pattern from last weekend doesn’t emerge as a trend tonight.
Audiences have been real small so far… so if you live in the area you should come see it! (Just bear in mind the caveats I outlined previously.)
New project at work is still in its pre-natal stages, but the tools stuff I’m doing keeps me extremely busy. We need to hire more programmers, too… but it’s extremely hard to find qualified people.
Between work, Lysistrata, my dad’s visit followed by another play, my family coming to visit me in August, and then hopefully me taking a vacation back in Toronto at some point, it’s shaping up to be a busy summer.
Which is the way it should be, I suppose. Better than being idle, anyway.
UPDATE: The delivery guys came… and one of the sections of the couch was missing its legs. So now I have to wait another week for them to deliver a new one.