This past Thursday the furniture company made another delivery attempt of the couch I bought. This time the two sections they delivered were from opposite configurations, so it couldn’t be assembled. They will be making their third (and what I sincerely hope is final) delivery attempt this coming week. The store owner is apologizing by footing the $75 delivery fee, which I’m happy to accept, assuming they get it right this time.
My weekend was pretty much ruined by food poisoning. I’m feeling mostly better at this point, but I was also feeling better yesterday evening before I had a relapse, so I’m only cautiously optimistic this time. The worst part is that I had severely underslept on Thursday evening, so when I got sick shortly after the following midnight it kept me awake when I was already exhausted, killing me for Saturday and Sunday. Now I get to start a new week without having slept much at all. Boo.
The show went okay in spite of my illness. Only one weekend remains… then I start rehearsing the next one. I’m afraid I’m starting to feel the burnout already… but hopefully that’s just my stomach talking.