Little pleasures

Last night I went with some coworkers/theatre folk to see a midnight screening of the Buffy musical, in which I was able to thoroughly and completely get my geek on in a sold-out cinema overflowing with like-minded nerds. It is probably the dorkiest thing I’ve done in ages, and it was awesome. Kind of like Rocky Horror Junior, complete with audience participation and even special goody bags they handed out with items to be used at certain parts of the show. I even left with a button that reads “Shut Up, Dawn”. (If you are able to personally empathize with anything in the preceding paragraph, you’ll know what that means.)

Of course, it meant getting home a little after 3 AM, and I had to get up at 8 this morning in order to work on stuff for the show. Hopefully I can catch a nap between now and tonight’s rehearsal.

My dad’s hernia operation was successful and he’s been quickly mending, I’m happy to report. My brother has been having a tougher time at his new place, but he’s off to summer camp for two weeks now so he won’t have to deal with it again right away.

I’ve discovered a new and unexpected joy in sliding across my hardwood floors when wearing socks. There are not an overwhelming number of little pleasures in my life, and I am glad to have found this one.


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