Irrigate the Sahara

There’s a shuffle going on at work that is changing the nature of my current project. This is mostly a good thing, as I was very anxious about the state of it, and now that anxiety has essentially been lifted from my shoulders. I was able to take Friday afternoon off in anticipation of the dust settling on Monday; between that and getting America Day off, it’s been almost like summer vacation.

Of course, my spare time is still being ravaged by The Underpants, which opens Thursday. I hope people can make it out to see it (ooh, a spicy photo is up now, and I am in the middle). I haven’t worked on a show of this calibre in… well, I haven’t worked on a show of this calibre. The cast is phenomenal, and the script is both hilarious and touching. I’m not so confident in my own performance or that it meets the director’s expectations, but things are just about locked and loaded at this point and I know the show will be a hit regardless of where I fall short.

Summer has hit us full-blast, and it’s gorgeous out. I’ve been doing a lot of reading out by my open patio door, and I’ve cracked out the rotisserie and am currently barbecuing a chicken. There is a downside to the weather with regards to the show, however, mostly because you could already irrigate the Sahara from all the sweat produced from my character when I’m just wearing regular clothes. I’ve recently been fitted for my costume, though, and I’m going to be wearing three layers with a tie, scarf and bowler hat to boot. I’m not entirely sure what’s going to keep me from passing out. To make matters worse my hair is at the point where I would normally get it cut, but the director likes it how it is, so I’m going to have to deal for the next few weeks.


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