Lurks quietly

Weekend number three out of four of The Underpants is upon us and it’s going well. Got an extra matinée coming up on Sunday, so a little less time to get stuff done and relax. We’ve had one review in the Seattle Weekly, and while favourable overall it was quite brief and little more than an overview.

Next weekend is going to be packed with my family arriving and the show closing. I’m taking the following week off of work to hightail it around Washington with them, so that should be interesting.

I’d been looking for a printer ever since moving to my new condo. Back when I was living at Cedar Heights, I was so close to work that it was practically nothing to drop in there if I needed anything printed. I fell in love with the HP LaserJet 3055, but it was far too pricey until I found a place that had them for sale (new!) for $150 less than the next cheapest alternative.

It arrived yesterday, and is pretty perfect. Super fast, high-quality output, silent when idle, moonlights as a scanner and fax machine, plays nicely with my Mac, and networks out of the box. Only problem is it’s way bigger than I thought it was. I intended to put it on top of the hutch on my desk, but that puts it too high to operate the control panel or use the scanner effectively, so I actually wound up having to take apart some of my desk in order to make room for it on the main surface. It stands out like a hulking beast in my comparatively small room, but at least it lurks quietly.

The weather has improved a lot these past couple of days, but I think we may have been cheated out of a genuine summer. The short bursts of intolerably hot weather helped mask it, but in between those it was almost uniformly cool and wet. Someone should have to answer for this injustice.


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