The undeniably spectacular competition

I’ve been avoiding blogging these past couple of weeks because I’ve been trying not to jinx the result of something very important to me. But I’m overflowing with stuff to report and I’m as close to knowing the answer now anyway as makes no odds, so I’ll just go ahead and jinx what’s left of it.

Many of you know how badly I’ve wanted to get into a production of Urinetown, somewhere, anywhere. Well it looks like I’ve pretty much blown the best chance I’ll have in the next three? five? ten? years to be in a production, and what would have been an awesome one: the one being done at SecondStory Repertory this spring (the same place I did The Underpants and will be doing improv as well as have a tiny role in Born Yesterday). Anyway, I was called back for two excellent auxiliary roles, and between me pretty much bombing the callback and the undeniably spectacular competition, I haven’t held out much hope. I was supposed to hear back last week and haven’t. I called the stage manager to probe further, and while a final decision hasn’t been rendered it doesn’t look as though there’s a spot for me. Which is a shame, for I would have taken and loved the smallest of roles in that show (even the small roles have a ton to do, though). And a lot of fantastic people I know well and would love to perform with are going to be in it. For the sake of this blog, though, I’m calling it decided at this point, and short of a recount in Florida that’s looking to be pretty much the case.

On to happier things. Where shall I begin?

I did another somewhat mediocre Theatresports performance last weekend, but it included an improvised musical that wound up featuring myself and a way-experienced and way-talented improviser that rocked pretty decently. We dueted our way through it, harmonizing around each other, canon-ing and everything. After the show she told me “that was cool; now I know you can do musical scenes” and I inhaled her compliment like sweet marker fumes.

My new MacBook Pro arrived last week. I’m still figuring it out. Even in the shadow of the God-computer it’s still way more machine than I know what to do with. It was awesome watching Entourage DVDs during my flight to New York on its 17″ screen. I need to start playing Guild Wars! Does anyone who plays it want to, um, be in a party with me or go on raids or whatever it is one does in that game?

Speaking of Guild Wars, I’m still working to find myself at my new company, but it doesn’t seem as though they’re willing to wait before showering us with rewards. Thursday was our holiday party (the night before my flight out to NYC; boy was I glad it didn’t keep me from attending). It was held in a swanky downtown Seattle joint, with free booze and buffet dinner. Then they gave us all PlayStation 3s with Rock Band. In case you were wondering, that was the sound of my jaw colliding with the floor. Between that and my new computer I’m suddenly more technologically equipped than I’ve ever been in my life. I will need to work hard to keep from becoming a shut-in.

… Sheesh, that only takes me up to the end of last week. I still have NYC and Toronto to talk about, and there’s plenty to say. I suppose I’ll leave it to another post tomorrow.


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