American Thanksgiving was good. I had far too much to eat at a friend’s place, and four days off of work was pretty awesome, but between late-night shows and a couple other parties I probably didn’t rest quite as much as I should have.
Christmas Carol had its opening weekend and it went pretty well. I’m still figuring out some of the more fundamental nuances of Crachit… I’ve never felt particularly good at improvising in these kind of fixed character roles, and while I think I’m doing okay I know I’m capable of a lot better. The rest of the cast is great though (Fred Northup plays a dynamite Scrooge), and I look forward to getting there as well.
There was a snafu with my green card processing. It looks like it’s back on track, but my road to immigration has fallen behind by about seven precious months as a result. I’m pretty unhappy about that, but at least it’s taken care of now and I should be able to keep a closer eye on it in the future. Not having my green card yet makes me anxious…
My DVDs of the second season of 30 Rock arrived some time ago, and I am blasting through them in my spare time. The show is rather silly but the jokes are tight, and I love it… it’s basically my new Scrubs. My favourite character is Tracy Jordan, whose lines are the most absurd and the best written. I also adore the guest appearances by Will Arnett.
My birthday is on the 19th! I’m startled by how soon that is. I want to have a party, but I’m doing Christmas Carol every night that weekend. Maybe I can do something down at the theatre, or failing that a brunch on Sunday or something.
There’s nothing much else new to report. We’re entering the rainy season, and my place is in pretty desperate need of cleaning. And I was walking from my car to my condo when the entire box of Duraflame logs I was carrying ripped and sent them flying everywhere and me toppling in what I thought was a rather impressive slapstick, if only there had been anyone to witness it. Other than that, same-old same-old.