So I know I’ve been delinquent in keeping this thing up to date (sorry Richard), but not without good cause. A lot is changing, and I’m always hesitant to post when that’s the case. But I suppose it’s about time.
The big news is that I’m starting at a new company on Monday: Übermind. I am joining them as a resident expert on 3D and iPhone graphics, and will be putting my background in games development to use in the creation of games and game-like programs for the iPhone. It’s an exciting new opportunity for me to get (oddly) back closer to games development than I was at ArenaNet, and working on a fun platform that I can really use the benefit of my expertise on.
This means I’m starting my green card application over for the third time, something I’m none too keen on… but I have confidence that Übermind will make it a priority. As for ArenaNet, if it seems weird that I’m leaving at this low point in the economy, our parting ways actually began all the way back in December and was a long time coming. While I can’t discuss the details of it in a public forum you may be able to wrestle more of the story from me in private… to them I say only: “farewell”.
The other, less-big-but-still-significant piece of news is that I was cast as Motel in Fiddler on the Roof a couple of weeks ago. I hadn’t even planned on auditioning for it… but I went to see my friend performing in a show up at the Historic Everett Theatre and got to talking with the director and a couple other people, and figured I’d throw my hat into the ring. Of course the role I really want to play is Tevye, but as was evidenced at the callback where there were nearly a dozen people in their forties or older up for that role and I was quite literally the only person there in my age/gender demographic, that isn’t going to be in the cards for a while yet. Which is fine, as Motel is the only other character in that show I have any real desire to play (Lazar Wolf might be okay too when I’m older, I suppose) as his song is short, sweet, in my range and in a mercifully major key.
I felt weird at the callbacks, as I was the only person called back for Motel, and had to stand there as five or six other lady actors took their turns posing next to me in consideration for the role of Tzeitel. I tried to make light of it, but all I could think was “these women must hate my guts right now” as they competed to be the “best fit” for someone whose sole demonstrable merit was being the only guy in the room who looked Jewish and was in his twenties. Our first meet-and-greet for it is tomorrow, so we’ll see how that goes. The show doesn’t go up until June, so at least there’s plenty of time for us to rehearse.
Meanwhile, at Unexpected, I’ve also been cast in their new show: “Improvise Your Own Adventure”, which as you may guess from the title is based on the old Choose Your Own Adventure series of books. The auditions for it were brief and it was another one of those “well, I wasn’t expecting to get cast in that” situations, but because it’s improvised at the theatre I’m already at anyway on most weekends it won’t really be impacting my schedule at all, so hey.
So lots of stuff going on these next few months. Übermind already needs me quite urgently for a specific product they’re developing, so I expect I will be burning the candle at both ends until it’s completed. But it’s been a while since I’ve had to do that, so that’s okay.
One rather interesting thing about working there is I will be a reverse-commuter, driving into Seattle every day and then back out to the east side in the evening. The extra distance doesn’t really bother me as long as I’m against the flow of traffic (which I certainly will be), although in talks with them there was already intimation about how long it would be before I moved to Seattle… I love my condo and my location, though, and am nowhere near ready to leave them behind, even for the thrill of city life.
What I do need, though, is a way to keep myself busy during the commutes, so I’m thinking of learning more about podcasts and trying to get the necessary setup to keep me regularly entertained by them while driving. If anyone has any experience in this area or recommendations of good podcasts to listen to, please let me know. I’m also in the market to purchase some kind of accessory for my iPhone that lets it play over my car’s FM radio while keeping it plugged into the cigarette lighter… again, recommendations are welcome.
Tonight I’m seeing Footloose at Tacoma Musical Playhouse, where I did Damn Yankees back in 2007. The show is nearly a who’s-who of people I know or have performed with in the Seattle area, so I’m excited to see it, even though driving to Tacoma is a pain.
So that’s pretty much it! This is my month of new beginnings: new job, new shows, new opportunities, and who knows what else… there’s still a good quarter of the month remaining!