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Tag Archives: projects
Look like a real champ
Ack… it’s American Thanksgiving, and the first time in over a month that I’ve felt relaxed enough to post an update to this thing. There isn’t an awful lot of news to report on. I’ve been working like crazy on … Continue reading
Working out so far
Well, I hardly planned on taking up another theatre project so soon after Cannibal ended… but I’ve been somewhat unexpectedly cast as Vice Principal Douglas Panch, the semi-downtrodden, bordering-on-tragic overseer of the day’s events in The 25th Annual Putnam County … Continue reading
That first taste of freedom
This second run of Cannibal went out with less of a bang and more of a whimper, at least for me. In particular I succumbed to a cold the final weekend and my voice pretty much gave out on me, … Continue reading
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Tagged cannibal the musical, health, projects, seattle weather, weddings
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Rely on the craftsmanship
As usual, it seems you can’t rely on the craftsmanship of pretty much anything. My replacement lenses kept popping out of my glasses frame, so I had to return them to be sent back to the lab again… once more … Continue reading
Crawl space
It’s been a slow process catching up with my life. There’s a lot of stuff going on at work and my pace varies depending on what I’m working on… there’s a lot of high-level engineering and planning that goes on … Continue reading
Germinating well
My casual game has been germinating well. It’s about ready for playtesting, so if anyone’s interested then send me your iPhone’s serial number (it’s in iTunes on the iPhone’s summary screen when you plug it in), and I’ll send you … Continue reading
Reek of delish
People seem to still be downloading iProv, which is cool. The Seattle Festival of Improv Theater is coming up, and I may try to promote it there. I’ve started work on a casual game in the meantime… it’s coming along … Continue reading
Posted in News
Tagged condo, entertainment, family, food, improv, iphone, money matters, projects
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Into my life’s history
Well, Rocky came to its bittersweet conclusion this past weekend. I had somehow talked myself into the responsibility of making gifts for everyone who had been helping out on the show, and this proved to be a fairly monumental task, … Continue reading
The stuff of legends
Tuesday our condo board had the meeting about the impending assessment. Unsurprisingly, when you try to cram both debate and vote into less than three hours over what, for most people, will be the most important financial decision they make … Continue reading
Posted in News
Tagged condo, money matters, politics, projects, rocky horror, theatre friends
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