I groggily glanced at my alarm clock this morning, feeling like it should have gone off already… sure enough, it was an hour past my regular waking time. I flung myself out of bed, cursing the world that I had somehow forgotten to turn on the alarm for the first time in years.
I sprinted through my normal morning routine but was still out the door a good fifteen minutes later than normal. I was greeted by a torrential downpour, which was a bit annoying but nice in that it had washed away the remnants of the unexpected snowfall we’d had yesterday.
I drove to work, cursing again, this time at the “oh no, it’s raining; I’ve forgotten how to drive” traffic. When I finally got to our office park I was surprised to see a traffic marshal directing people out of the ArenaNet parking lot. Apparently the slough behind us was overflowing, and the whole office park was starting to flood.
I parked in an adjacent lot and made my way to the front door, only to see a sign that the offices were closed today on account of the flooding. So I drove home, and now here I am, my lateness resolved by virtue of having an unexpected three-day weekend. Unfortunately until I get my new computer I lack the facilities with which to work from home, so there’s really nothing I can do except shrug and enjoy the time off. I’m messaging some folks from Amaze, and it sounds like we’ll get together for lunch in Redmond today, which will be nice.
In other news, I finally got the new phone working. It’s pretty cool, although there’s some things it doesn’t do very well or easily (for example, I haven’t yet been able to find a way to synchronize its calendar with my Google calendar). But even things that are done poorly are better than the alternative… such as the Google maps feature, which updates the GPS location very infrequently and gives bad advice (it tried telling me to exit the highway by spinning around 180 degrees while presumably going 60 mph and barreling down the on-ramp in the wrong direction), but at least it gives me a map so I can tell where I am and know what streets are around me. (The Luddites among you will tell me that maps also serve as perfectly functional maps, to which I say yes, but the Google map is far more handy, requires far less squinting, and lets me locate where I am on it instantly with the GPS.)
Anyway, that’s most of what there is to report. Less than two weeks to NYC, and then Toronto! Woohoo!